Have you had your electrical wires checked since Superstorm Sandy?
Jim Rowland, the Managing Partner of Quality Electric Service is licensed by the State of New Jersey as both an Electrical Contractor and an Electrical Inspector. He is a member of IAEI, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the South Jersey Electrical Inspectors Association (SJEIA) and recognized as an expert in the Industry. His advice to all our clients is:"Beginning with Hurricane Katrina, and now during the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, the long-term effects of wiring being submerged in water are causing fires. Quite often, the damage caused to the insulation can take weeks, months and even years but eventually the insulation can fail, resulting in a condition known as an arc-fault. Unless the wiring is connected to a specially design circuit interrupter the circuit breaker will not 'trip', and a fire will often be the result.
Another consideration to testing and evaluation of the electrical systems at any property that experience standing water due to poor storm water runoff, low elevation, etc. are the connections of the grounding electrode conductors to the grounding electrodes. The corrosive effect that occurs when these connections are submerged in water, especially if the wiring and/or the electrodes are not copper (i.e. aluminum or steel) can have a catastrophic effect. Without an effective path for fault current to the earth, the fuses and circuit breaks cannot clear ("trip") a short-circuit or other fault condition.
Most insurance policies REQUIRE the policyholder to MITIGATE any losses after the insured knows, OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN of a hazardous condition. Do not be surprised when coverage for fire losses (both property damage and liability) that are determined to be caused by water-damaged electrical systems are denied by insurance companies because the property owner did not exercise his/her DUTY TO INVESTIAGTE AND MITIGATE THE DAMAGE to the electrical system"
If you have an questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
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