Saturday, February 17, 2018

Standby Generators Improve Resale Values

Over the past years the popularity of home standby generators have soared as there are more power interruptions have increased. According to the Electric Power Research Institute, over 500,000 people lose power every day in the United States. The causes of the outages include bad weather, vehicle accidents, digger errors and system malfunctions. As power companies try to bring back power as fast as they can, people still suffer without air condition, heat, lighting or refrigeration. Even after the outage has ended, some homeowners are forced to deal with molds that formed while the air was not running or pipes that froze due to lack of heat.

The inconvenience of being without power has lead many homeowners to take action. While owners of automatic standby generators enjoy fresh food, lights and television, many people are still in the dark about the benefits of these units, especially the improve home resale value they provide.

According the Remodeling magazine 2014 Cost Versus Value Report, standby generators can provide up to 76.9% of a return on their cost. Standby generators are consider a piece of equipment that makes homes more comfortable and secure.  In the competitive real estate market a generator can be the deciding factor in a sale.

Standby generators differ from the smaller portable ones. After the power goes out, portable generators must be manually started and connected to appliances through extension cords. A standby generator, on the other hand is completely automatic and operates hands - free. The unit is wired into the homes electrical panel, eliminating extension cords. Unlike portable generators that mist be taken out of storage and kept away from water, a standby is permanently installed outside the home. It begins powering heat, air condition, and well pumps moments after utility power fails. This means when it senses utility power has returned it safely shuts itself down and returns to standby mode.

While portables run on gasoline and require frequent and problematic refueling, an automatic generator is connecter to a home's propane or natural gas supply, eliminating any messy refueling. But the ease or owning a standby generator extends beyond hands - free back up power and a reliable fuel supply. A standby provides security to a home even when the owner is away, and they are much quieter than portables as they are designed with a sound - attenuated, weather - proof enclosure.

The numerous rewards that are a result of owning a generator include security and savings. Whether they are home or not, owners have confidents that an automatic standby generators will keep their property safe and mitigate damages by preventing losses, reducing insurance premiums and improving the resale value of a home.

If you are interested in a Standby generator, give Quality Electric Service a call. We are South Jerseys only 5 Star Elite Power - Pro Generac Dealer. Never feel powerless again!

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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Learn how to save energy at the office!

Are you the owner of an office of business? Do you get a headache each month when the electric bill comes in the office mail? Paying utilities for your workplace can be an additional financial strain for businesses. Learn how to conserve electricity, maximize energy efficiency and save cots for your company.

1. Turn off appliances when not using them.
If possible, unplug office machines and /or turn off power strips at night or over the weekend. You can save energy by applying this to your office computers, printers, fax machine and paper shredders. Even when they're not currently in use, these appliances still pull a small amount of electricity from the wall when they're plugged in. It may sound like nothing but when added together, these small steps add up to big electricity savings. 

2. Install motion sensors.
An easy way to save electricity is by turning off lights in rooms that are not being used. For example, do you really need the lights on in an empty conference room? Sometimes when people are in a hurry they may forget to switch off a light before they leave. An easy way to fix this is by installing motion sensors or timing on your lights. The lights will turn off when they no longer pick up movement in the room and will turn on as soon as someone walks in. 

3. Switch to LED
Not only are LED lights more durable and long-lasting, but their environmental impact is far smaller than both fluorescent and incandescent bulbs. LEDs use significantly less electricity and have an energy efficient rating of 80% versus incandescent which operate at about 20%. While fluorescent lights are better than traditional incandescent bulbs, they still do not compare to LEDs. 

4. Consider using your surroundings to maximize office lighting.
Sometimes, saving electricity does not even require you to change a light bulb. You can utilize natural light to keep your workplace brighter without installing extra lights. Make the best use of windows and skylights. This will allow you to rely less on artificial lighting throughout the day. Additionally, switching to a lighter paint color can be helpful. Lighter colors reflect more light, while darker colors absorb it. 

Saving electricity does not have to be difficult! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to give us a call!
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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Should You Invest in a Generac Standby Generator?

An Automatic Standby Generator has many benefits, especially during the summer months. Here are some reasons for being prepared for hurricane season:

Things get uncomfortable fast.
n hour without air conditioning can be excruciating. Can you imagine having no AC for days, even weeks? An Automatic Standby generator will provide the electricity needed to keep your home or business comfrotable.

Perishable foods won’t last long.
An Automatic Standby generator can keep your refrigerator and freezer running. Depending on the severity of a storm, you may need the food that’s in your fridge — especially if you can’t get to a store.

Ease of Use
An Automatic Standby Generators is easy to use. You do not even have to be home when the power goes out! -- your generator will just automatically turn on as soon as there is a power failure! This ensures your comfort and safety throughout the hurricane season.

Help During Emergency Situations
Standby generators can be useful during emergency power situations throughout the year. Power problems can occur anytime due to natural disasters or breakdown of our antiquated electrical grid. If you live in an area that suffers from fluctuating power situations then an Automatic Standby Generator can help by providing electrical energy for your various needs, and your investment this summer will serve you for years to come.You can call Quality Electric Service for Generac standby generator-related needs. We make sure to provide the right generator solutions for our customers.
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Monday, February 5, 2018

Should your Company invest in an Automatic Standby Generator?

Owning and operating your own business means that everything falls on your shoulders. It can be very stressful at times. One thing that can put you at ease is losing power if you have an Automatic Standby Generator. While it may seem uncommon for some to have the power go out in your building, but it does happen and when it does, you can suffer from significant loss. When the power goes out, your business operations will be put on hold until your power is restored. If the power is out for an extended period of time, your business income continues to suffer, sometimes until it has made a severe impact on your assets. The importance of purchasing a backup generator for your business is something that should be considered as part of your overall disaster preparedness. 

There are plenty of reasons to purchase an Automatic Standby Generator for your business, all of which will help to improve your business and prevent potential disastrous situations as a result of loss of your main power source. 

Avoiding Business Interruptions – If there is a power outage in your area that affects your company’s building, then business operations will freeze. In order to avoid these business interruptions, you should think about investing in an Automatic Standby Generator, so that you can continue business as normal.

Consistent Power Supply – Aside from business interruptions, you also want consistent power supply for other reasons. The power in your building is needed for electrical appliances, equipment, security systems, A/C units, and other items that are run by electricity. If the power is disrupted, all of these items would stop working in your business.

Cost Savings – Many types of equipment and machinery is run on electricity when your company goes without power, all of this will stop functioning normally. The costs associated with other forms of backup power are much higher than those associated with having a backup generator, not to mention the cost of replacing anything that malfunction during the power outage, or the loss of business when it was interrupted.

If you’re concerned with losing business from possible power outages, then you should consider the importance of purchasing an Automatic Standby Generator for your business.

Call Quality Electric today for your FREE estimate! We are Generac South Jerseys ONLY 5 – Star Elite Dealer. 609.861.1409 

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