Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Severe Storm Safety Check List

Severe Storm Safety Checklist

It's that time of year again Storm Season. Meteorologist are predicting an active storm season this summer, as more widespread warm air prompts unstable conditions in parts of the country.
The time to prepare for severe summer storms is before they hit. Backup power is one way to be ready for storms, but there are many steps you can take to protect yourself and your family when the weather turns particularly nasty.

Build an Emergency Kit. A basic emergency kit will help you keep your family safe and healthy in the event of a disaster. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends having at least two-weeks’ worth of the following supplies:
- Water, one gallon per person for both drinking and sanitation
- Food, non-perishables (refer to Generac’s Hurricane Preparation Shopping List) and a manual can opener for food
- Battery-powered or hand crank radio and extra batteries
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- First Aid kit
- Whistle to signal for help
- Moist towelettes, and garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
- Wrench and pliers to turn off utilities
- Cell phone and portable charger

Stay in Touch. Download an application to your smartphone that can notify people where you are, and whether or not you are safe. The Red Cross has several free apps available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

Get Gas. You may need to evacuate in the event of a hurricane, or run a portable generator. Fill up your car or gas tank before the storm hits to avoid long lines.

Know Your Evacuation Plan. Each community has an evacuation plan. It’s important to know the route to safely evacuate the area in the event of an emergency. Having an alternate route can also be beneficial.

Locate the Nearest Shelter. Learn the location of the nearest shelter. If you have pets, make sure to identify pet-friendly shelters.

Prepare Your Home. Bring in outside items if they can be picked up by high winds, and clear gutters of debris.

Have Backup Power Available. If you don't own an automatic backup generator, you should consider purchasing one. Have no electric can be an inconvenience and some times life threatening. We give free in-home estimates for Generac Generators. Give us a call today! 609.861.1409

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